Thursday, April 9, 2020

Our Spectacular Family Tea Party

 Our Invite

We had a lovely family tea party yesterday evening after David arrived home from work (he still has to go into the office a few times a week).  D and E made invitations and gave them out the day before.  I love the P.S. You don't have to help wash dishes!

 Party Hosts

The girls dressed up and A did their hair in fun wrap around braids.  I had helped them make brownies the day before as well.  They made all the food for the party, set the table, and cleaned up everything.  It was amazing and we all really enjoyed it.  I loved their food choices.  If you are looking for something to do during these quarantined times, I highly recommend having a family tea party!

 Homemade brownies

 Race Car Apples (made with apple slices, peanut butter and grapes)

 Puzzle Sandwiches

Our Set Table

My view...

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