Saturday, March 29, 2008

My husband the plumber

I just have to say that my hubby rocks! He is just one of those people that always seems to know something about everything. We had a leak start on Thursday in our shower - yikes! So, my amazing hubby went to work. Although we didn't have water for much of the day on Thursday, he was able to diagnose the problem and get it fixed. It was some kind of washer/pipe part that ended up causing the problem so we had to replace the knobs in our bathroom and we went ahead and upgraded our shower head so everything would match. We weren't planning on this so that was a surprise but I just know that he saved us hundreds of dollars!!! Way to go hubby.

Here are the knew knobs - so clean!

And the massaging shower head is nice!

So, although he is not technically a plumber - if you ever have a question - my husband just might be able to help you out :)

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