Tuesday, December 16, 2008


just wanted to let everyone know that we are expecting baby #4! We just found out yesterday. We were a little surprised and very excited. So that's the scoop from here. I will post more when I know it but I don't go to see my doctor until January.


  1. Wow, 4 kids, that's brave. Maybe another boy to even it up.

  2. That's so exciting, especially to find out around Christmas. A new life, what a great gift.

  3. Yay! Sorry I didn't answer my phone the other day! Brian told me the good news, though. So, what is your Est. due date? :)

  4. Congratulations. Your mom told me the good news too. It is going to be fun. Audrey will be off to school, on a new journey in her life, and you will get those special times with the new baby with Beverly and Clay to assist. Then Audrey can do her job as elder child when she is home and not loaded down with school events. 2009 will be fun. I guess you will be compiling lots of "D" names.
