Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Blessings

I am so lucky! Every day I am reminded of this when I look at my four children. I love them so much! And believe it or not, when it is quiet around here it seems weird, like something isn't quite right.

Miss A

A is about halfway through 1st grade and loving it! She is such a sponge soaking up all that she can!! She is also such a great helper. She loves to dance and will continue taking ballet lessons!

Miss B

B is doing a mixture of preschool and kindergarten, the beauty of homeschool. She is about to start soccer at the end of the month and is super excited. Like A, she loves to dance and will continue with ballet and tap. B's most recent accomplishment is that she can ride her bike with no training wheels - we had her bike party over the weekend. We are so proud of her, she hasn't even had her bike 1 year!

Mister C

C is such a ham! I love him. He loves trains, cars, and practically every ball ever made. I don't know if this is a boy thing but this boy can snack out!! I raised my grocery budget for him :) C took his first swim lessons over the summer and did great! I think he was going under water for 6 seconds.

Miss D

Miss D is an amazing baby! She has been walking for 1 month now. Her first two teeth (the ones on the bottom middle) finally poked out last week. So the earliest my kiddos have gotten teeth is still 9 months. She is petite but strong. Her pediatrician is always amazed at her strength.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little snapshot of the kids at this moment in time. They are all so adorable and each with their own little personalities...what a lucky Mommy you are. Hope to see you guys real soon....maybe Miss D can teach Reed to walk!! =)
