Friday, February 11, 2011

Book Review #2: Lioness Arising


Alright, my second review for the blogging for books program. I read Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere, which I would classify as Christian inspirational.

Bevere challenges women to wake up and change their world. This book is a call and challenge to Christian women to pursue more! Bevere had a vision years ago when she was pregnant with her 4th son. In her vision she came face to face with a lioness and was never the same. Throughout this book Bevere compares Christian women to the lioness. One who is powerful, passionate, and purposed.

I think this could be a really good book for a women's Bible study. Reading it on my own I found it difficult to really stay engaged all the way through to the end. There is a lot of "meat" in this book to be devoured and some controversial topics come up like women's roles in the church and submission. While I don't agree with everything Bevere says I did really enjoy this book and would recommend it.

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