Wednesday, April 27, 2011

He is Risen

Sunday, today and every day!  I was disappointed I didn't get to post on Easter and then I thought it applies to every day really :)  For breakfast we made ressurection rolls together.  It was so much fun.  You take a marshmallow, which represents Jesus, and dip it into melted butter.  Then you roll it around in a cinnamon/sugar mixture and place it into a pillsbury crescent roll triangle.  Seal the marshmallow in the roll tight and dip the top into melted better and roll in cinnamon/sugar and bake. 

Hot out of the oven!

Inside of the rolls.  No marshmallow - just the empty tomb.
The kids loved this visual and tasty treat!

For Easter our church has a tradition of flowering the cross.  You bring flowers for each member of your family and tie them to the cross during worship - I love doing this.

 Me with our flowers.  This is also a good 16 week pregnancy shot :)

Sunday night we got to celebrate with good friends over a lovely Easter dinner.  David made an empty tomb cake.  I thought it was so creative.
 David's cake!

That's some of what we did.  Hope you had a good one and were able to celebrate the one who paid the price!

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