Saturday, July 16, 2011

Seventh Generation Diapers Review & Giveaway

****Giveaway Now Closed****
Congratulations to Chelle!

Seventh Generation have re-launched their Free & Clear diapers. What does this mean?

Seventh Generation's Free & Clear diapers do not include chlorine processing, fragrances, latex and petroleum based lotions. In an effort to contribute less overall landfill waste and continue to ensure a premium standard of absorbency, the new Free & Clear diapers have been redesigned with a lighter-weight core. With processed chlorine-free wood pulp in Free & Clear diapers, Seventh Generation also makes certain that no chlorine is released into the environment during the totally chlorine-free (TCF) whitening process of the diapers and training pants.

Seventh Generation has also reduced the size of the diapers’ plastic packaging, meaning that each pack now contributes even less overall landfill waste than before. In fact, Seventh Generation Free & Clear diaper packaging can now be recycled at local supermarkets where plastic bag recycling collection boxes are available!  Love that.

 Here is D posing with her new diapers.


I was super excited to try these on D as I have never tried them before and I am super impressed.  They work extremely well in the absorbency department for both daytime and nighttime use.  I never had a leak.  The tabs are also a big plus, never once did they break.  They are not bulky and fit D well; this is sometimes tricky as she is petite and slim waisted but the tabs adjusted well and the diapers worked great.  Diapers that work great and that are eco-friendly, can't beat that!

Want to try Seventh Generation right now. Click here to download a printable coupon for $2.00 OFF any ONE Seventh Generation Baby Product (Diapers, Training Pants, or Wipes)!

Onto the Giveaway: one lucky reader will receive their own pack of Free & Clear Seventh Generation diapers in thier choice of size 2, 4 or 5.

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment letting me know what you think about the new Free & Clear diapers OR what you love about eco-conscious baby products, that's it!  Please be sure and leave your email so I can contact you if you win!

Extra Entries, leave a separate comment for each extra entry.

 1. Follow me on google friend (2 extra entries)
 2. Tell me if you have ever tried Seventh Generation diapers before (1 entry)
 3. Click here to follow Seventh Generation on facebook (1 entry)
 4. Enter my Honey Nut Cheerios giveaway (ends 7/26) and let me know you did (1 entry)
 5. Rank my review on Life, In Spite of Me (2 entries)
 6. Click here to vote for my calf in the chick-fil-a photo contest (2 entries)

Giveaway will end on August 1st at Midnight. Winner will be selected using a random number generator and will have 48 hours to respond. If there is no response, I will randomly select another winner.  Open to US residents only.

Disclosure: The coupon link, prize pack, information and giveaway have been provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark. I was blessed to receive a package of my own.


  1. I think it is nice that Seventh generation company is making diapers that have the smallest carbon footprint as they possibly can. I would love to try them on my Little Man. I hope I win the giveaway!

  2. I vote for your calf "D" in the chick-fil-a photo contest. How did she do? Did she win? She looks so cute!

  3. Never tried these so I can't really give my opinion on them. Would love to win!

    courtneyscontemplations AT yahoo DOT com

  4. I voted for your calf! (#1)

    courtneyscontemplations AT yahoo DOT com

  5. I voted for your calf! (#2)

    courtneyscontemplations AT yahoo DOT com

  6. I follow SG on FB

    courtneyscontemplations AT yahoo DOT com

  7. I love free and clear products! A friend's daughter had diaper rash that wouldn't go away and using Seventh Generation diapers helped them confirm that their baby was allergic to something in other namebrand diapers.
    miamichickens at yahoo dot com

  8. I have not tried Seventh Generation diapers.
    miamichickens at yahoo dot com

  9. I have entered the Honey Nut Cheerios giveaway.
    miamichickens at yahoo dot com

  10. I like best about the diapers is that there is not dangerous chemicals near baby's bum all day long.

  11. I love the idea of eco friendly baby products, really eco friendly ALL products! But mostly, for diapers, I love the idea of as few chemicals as possible on my daughter's bottom!

  12. I did try 7th gen diapers once and want to try them again!

  13. free an clear diapers would be great for babies that have sensitive skin.
    countrycookinmama at gmail dot com

  14. I love the free and clear diapers! We don't have to worry about diaper rash anymore since using them!

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. I love the new free and clear diapers because a company that is eco-conscious is rare in a world where they are all trying to make an extra buck!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I like that they are chemical free and good for the environment
    HobartsMama {at} aol {dot} com

  18. I love that they are good for the environment and they're safer for my baby. :)

  19. I am following you on GFC. My name there is Jennai
    HobartsMama {at} aol {dot} com

  20. #2 I am following you on GFC. My name there is Jennai
    HobartsMama {at} aol {dot} com

  21. Yes, I have tried them before and I like them a lot.
    HobartsMama {at} aol {dot} com

  22. I voted for your calf
    HobartsMama {at} aol {dot} com

  23. GFC Follower: Jackie W.

  24. GFC Follower: Jackie W.

  25. I voted for your "calf" #2
    HobartsMama {at} aol {dot} com

  26. I have never tried Seventh Generation diapers before, only their laundry soap.

  27. Already a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook as Jackie Nicole Wertish.

  28. I voted for your calf in the chick-fil-a photo contest. :)

  29. I voted for your calf in the chick-fil-a photo contest. :)

  30. I entered the honey nut cheerios giveaway too!

  31. I ranked your review of in spite of me. I gave you 5 stars!

  32. I am lucky that my babe isn't sensitive to all the nasties in regular diapers. I am very happy that companies like Seventh Gen are taking care of our babies, home and planet.

    newmommiez at gmail dot com

  33. I have not tried these diapers before. Thanks for teh nice review.

    newmommiez at gmail dot com

  34. I follow Seventh Gen on Facebook. I can verify if needed.

    newmommiez at gmail dot com
