Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby E and Elephants

Saturday, I turned 34 weeks!  My friends gave me and baby "E" a beautiful, "e"lephant themed baby shower.  I was so overwhelmed and so blessed by everything!  Thank you Maura and Wendy for celebrating me and baby E and thank you so much to those of you who were able to make it or send well wishes, it really means a lot :)

 David was able to make my cake.  Here is the elephant cake in all its glory!

A picture from the front.  I love the peanut (nutter butter) in the trunk.

Here I am late that night - 34 weeks.

Unfortunately I did not get any pictures at the shower itself but I am hoping someone might have taken some and then I can get them and post them later, we shall see.

And I just had to post this picture of D working in her kitchen with fancy shoes!

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