Thursday, October 27, 2011

Growing so fast

Yesterday E turned 3, 3 weeks that is!  It is happening again, my "baby" is growing up too fast.  Here are a few pictures for those that have been asking me for some :)

Miss E.  It is hard to tell what color her eyes are going to be in the future - right now they are a dark/medium blue.  A, B & C have blue eyes and D has brown.

E's favorite thing, being swaddled!  Here she is on the famous A blanket.  All those photos are of A as a baby.

Happy 3 week birthday E!


  1. She is beautiful-makes me want top hug and snuggle with my kids. They grow up so fast. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I am following back.

  2. She is precious! Congratulations. My own little girl is due in four weeks! Eeek! Can't wait.

  3. She is beautiful :) Congrats! I feel this same way about my children, but with the baby it is each month. Mine just turned 10 months so my heart had a pang when looking at baby E and thinking how fast this time has gone. He is about to walk and had 6 teeth. It feels like a bitter sweet blessing.
