Friday, October 21, 2011

Paper Stars Photography

My super talented sister-in-law came to my house last weekend to take pictures of E.  I am so excited to post a few here - look how talented she is - thanks so much Paper Stars Photography!!

I love this one of E smiling.

I think E has the longest toes of any baby I have ever seen.  It is amazing how much she can curl them also.

This was taken on our deck.

 Love this one of E and her big sister D!

Click here to see other amazing pictures done by Paper Stars.


  1. Adorable Pictures!

    Your new follower,

  2. Hi! thanks for stopping by my blog at mamas*little*treasures! Your babies are gorgeous ;o) We just welcomed our 23rd grandbaby into the family two weeks ago today . . . . plus we have two beautiful daughters adopted from China, ages 9 and 11 . . . . our little treasures! I'm a new follower now, so I hope we can connect again soon. If you would like to connect with other moms, please visit our community website at Would love to have you share your blog links with us there! Thanks so much, Nina @ mamas*little*treasures and Ruby for Women

  3. I'm stopping by from the bloghop. Your children are precious! Following you back :)

  4. What beautiful photos!

    New follower. :)

  5. I love the photo of D with her little sister E. That is such a precious photo. I know you will treasure that photo for years to come.

  6. Just saw this! Aw! Thanks! Love you SIL! ;)
