Friday, November 11, 2011

More Family Fun

A freind gave me some ripe bananas over the weekend.  Unfortunatley they were a little too ripe but that was okay because I had my own to use up.

 Look what I made.  Yummy banana bread, kind of wish it was pumpkin!  It didn't last a day in the house.  Guess the kiddos liked it :)

 A close up of E.  She is changing so fast.  I love her expressions.

 Watching babies sleep is so much fun.  I am not sure how she managed to get her pacifier all the way over to her ear.


  1. Aww, such cute babies. Thanks for following my blog! I'm already following you via GFC :-)

  2. aww she's so cute! I love homemade bread it's the best! Thanks for following me at sew fantastic! I'm following back!

  3. Thank you for following me! I am officially your newest follower! :)
