Monday, January 9, 2012

The Importance of Fresh Bread

I am learning the importance of fresh bread.  I am not talking about bread that you eat but about words, visions, Scriptures from God.  I feel like last year I lived on old bread.  What do I mean by that?  Well, I feel as though I relied on things that God had spoken to me in the past, which is not necessarily bad but there is something extremely important about pressing into the Lord and getting new bread so to speak.  So this year I am hoping to press into him throughout the year - monthly, weekly and dare I say daily for His new bread.  I am hoping to not only continue to transform my life but everyone around me as well.  So, here is to the bread of 2012!


  1. Wish there was a comment to superlike this!

    I too will try to transform myself into a better human being :)

  2. I want some of that new bread too. I am going to join you on your(and God"s) quest.
