Friday, January 6, 2012

More Cooking Fun

I enjoyed turning my previous slow cooker meal this week into stuffed peppers!

 These were quite delicious!

My seond slow cooker meal for this year was Shrimp Creole, which we ate last night.  I think I am going to try and use my crock pot at least once or twice a week this year.  We shall see how I do.

Shrimp Creole
Yes, we are still using our Holiday plates :)

Do you have any great slow cooker recipes?  Is so, I would love to hear about them.


  1. All those dinner's look yummy! Thanks for visiting RaeBeth's Corner. I have followed back in each way I could. Have a nice day.

  2. I have a cookbook called Crockery Cooker Cook Book. It is Better Homes and Gardens. It is 96 pages and has nothing but crockpot recipes. More than one per page. It has color photos and is a hardback 8 x 10 size from 1976. I think you would love it. I am a picky eat so I have copied the recipes I liked from it and it is just taking up shelf space. If you want it, email me your maiing address to and I'll send it to you (no charge). I would rather somebody have it that will use it.

  3. By the way, if you want to see what it looks like, there is one on Amazon. Mine is exactly like this one:

  4. Okay, I am emailing you. It looks great, thanks so much for your generosity :)

  5. I think I am going to start using my crock pot once a week too1 great idea! Tha nks!

  6. Hiya! Thanks for visiting! Following you back now and looking forward to reading lots more :D
