Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend Fun

A few days ago it was the last Friday of the month and you know what that means, roller skating!  We brought cookies to share with our friends in honor of A's birthday month.

 D enjoying her cookie and taking a breather

 D on the rink with Daddy (before he put skates on!)

 Some of my family

 E relaxing...

A about to go back out

We have been so blessed that Daddy has been able to join us for this fun time!  I managed to put skates on for about 20 minutes - not too bad.


  1. Love pictures :)

    I love skating, but sadly there are no rinks in the city I live. :(

  2. That looks like fun! I haven't been skating since I was a little girl, but our church is planning a skating party for next week. We'll see if I can stay up. :)
