Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy Birthday David!

My beloved turns 34 today!  The kids and I have been hard at work putting together his "zoo" themed party.  We kicked off the celebration by going to our local zoo last weekend.  Tonight we will celebrate with cake/cupcakes and presents.  My biggest present is the cake, my labor of love so to speak.  If you know us well, you know that my amazing hubby makes all/most of the cakes in our household.  I really wanted to bless him this year with an all out cake so here it is!

This is almost the final product.  I still have a border of gumballs to do on the top and a few other minor details but you get the idea.

 Th cupcakes we made were owls, pigs, turtles, monkeys

 And worms

 This was my first time to use fondant, not too bad.

 So, what do you think?

And by the way, I have to give credit where credit is due - a big thanks to withsprinlesontop who inspired this cake :)


  1. Looks great!

    I love the picture of E on the sidebar too.

  2. Beautiful cake, you did a great job!

  3. Awesome cake but cupcakes are super outstanding!!
