Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Orb Factory Binglets: Review & Giveaway

Have you heard of The Orb Factory?  The Orb Factory is a provider of many craft and activity products.  They have been around for 21 years!  Their products are sold in over 50 countries and they have become a recognized and trusted name in the toy market. 

Check out the Binglet box I received.
There are 48 Binglets (fancy bracelets)!  4 different Binglets for 12 girls

 Each kind of Binglet
Some are thinner and some are thicker

Making their Binglets

The girls loved making patterns

A few completed ones

So happy!

More happiness

 Peeling off the jewels

Finished jewelry

My Thoughts:  The girls had so much fun making these bracelets with their friends.  It is an easy and fun activity.  You simply unpeel the jewel stickers and place them on the bracelets in the pattern you desire.  Sometimes the sticky part remains on the plastic and the jewel will not stick to the bracelet so you need to make sure that the adhesive comes off with the jewel.  I love that the sticker sheets contain plenty of jewels for the bracelets with extras!!  This allows for multiple patterns, and helps if some of them come off incorrectly!  Also, you want to apply some pressure when you put the jewels on the bracelets as well.  One of our bracelets was dropped right after assembly and many of the jewels popped off so I do not think enough pressure was used.  No worries though, we simply put it back together - pressed hard, and it stayed put. 

All in all this was a really fun activity and the girls and I would recommend it.  It would be a fun craft to have at a birthday party, craft party, or just to do with friends like we did!  They can encompass a large age range as well.  C and his buddy had fun making a few Binglets together for their mommies, so don't rule boys out completely.

 C making Binglets for me

 C's buddy making Binglets for his mommy

I thought that this was such a super sweet idea - boys can make them for their mommies or sisters if applicable.  We still have a few more Binglets to share with more of our friends!  We just weren't able to get together will all of them at the same time.  Would you like to try out Binglets for yourself?  Then, keep reading...

Now, onto the giveaway!  You can win your very own box on Binglets!

Mandatory Entry:  Follow me on google friend and let me know, that's it!  Please be sure and leave your email so I can contact you if you win! 

Extra Entries
, leave a separate comment for each extra entry.  As you can see, there are lots of extra entry opportunities so don't be shy!

1.  Follow my google+ page (2 extra entries)
2.  Follow my facebook page (2 extras)
3.  Follow me on Pinterest (2 extras)
4.  Follow me on twitter here (2 extras)
5.  Follow Orb Factory on twitter here (2 extras)
6.  Follow Orb Factory on facebook (2 extras)

Giveaway will end on May 2nd at Midnight.  Winner will be selected using a random number generator and will have 48 hours to respond.  If there is no response, I will randomly select another winner.  Open to US residents only.

Disclosure:  I was blessed to receive my own box of Binglets for review.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.  Thanks so much to The Orb Factory for providing me with this box and for sponsoring this giveaway.


  1. I follow on google! Great review, kids look like they are having lots of fun!

  2. I am following you through GFC!

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  4. I like you on FB!

  5. I'm following you on GFC.

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  7. I'm following the Orb Factory on Twitter.

  8. You have the most beautiful children! I'm so happy I found your blog..I'm thinking seriously about homeschooling my kids as well. I'm following you back from Our Lovely Life :)

  9. I'm a follower on GFC! as Sauriola!

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  15. I follow you on google friend!

  16. I follow you with fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking

  17. I follow Orb Factory on twitter as kluckingbear

  18. I like Orb Factory on fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking

  19. I follow you on pinterest as tabitha Swain Klucking.

  20. I'm following via GFC:) Thanks for following me also @ Rock Paper Scissors Create! Much appreciated:)

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    pruittdawn at att dot net

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