Saturday, May 5, 2012

7 Months and Counting

 Love this smile

Not only is it Cinco de Mayo today, but Miss E turns 7 months!  Have I told you how much I love this baby!  I am so blessed to have five children.  We are gearing up for our Live Below The Line challenge next week - stay tuned.

E and I this afternoon.


  1. You are blessed indeed!I have five natural children and two adopted ones, but no more baby's! I miss having babies, though I do have two grandbaby's and four teens and my Autistic son still at home.
    Thank you for following my blog In My Garden! And so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you it been a rough and busy couple of weeks!
    I'm following you back, did I tell you how beautiful your daughter is? She is!

  2. Love the pictures!! :)

  3. Cute, cute, cute...totally adorable. Love the pics.

    Have a great weekend.


  4. Awwww!!! Absolute cuteness!!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!
