Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Go Express & Sling Be Gone

Last night we went to see a Round Rock Express game.  We had so much fun.  And even though they lost we stayed to the end :)  They had a family Expo so the kids were able to get lots of extra goodies.

 E, Me and B
E didn't really like sticking her head in the cut out

 A and B had their faces painted.

 Beautiful Butterfly

 David and the kids at Spike's Dog House

 C (in his new shades) and happy D

 Enjoying the game

And in other family news, B is cast and sling free today!  Woohoo, she is super pumped about being able to swing, ride her (new) scooter and bike, and many other things!

B made this balloon this morning.  I love it.
She drew a picture of her with the words, I am all beter (she meant better!)


  1. Lovely family pictures! I can see that you all had a real fun time. I am a new Follower of your Blog. Take care and have a good Wednesday.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following along, I am following along now too!

    I love your blog design, by the way!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm now following. Your children are adorable!
