Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Pancakes

Last night we had pancakes for dinner.  They weren't your typical pancakes, they were just fun!

 See what I mean?

 They are yummy too!

Special birthday dinner.

My kids typically don't like chocolate chip pancakes but they really like chocolate chips on top.  They just eat them plain and then eat their pancakes.  I love having breakfast for dinner.  Well, I just love having simple dinners.  This was a big hit because when we had a our prayer time last night the kids kept thanking God for the awesome dinner - woohoo!


  1. How cute! I need to do this for my boys. Dominic would love it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your welcome! It was super easy and I just happened to have all the ingredients on hand without planning it :)

  3. How fun! What child wouldn't love that. :)

  4. How fun! My kids love breakfast for dinner, too. I love how you made them into suns with the strawberries. I'll have to remember that idea!

  5. My fall/winter league just ended last month. We were going to due a summer league for AMF. But we decided to take a break. My husband and I are about the same in skill level. But most days I can kick his butt..
