Monday, May 21, 2012

Spider-Man Success

We had C's Spider-Man party over the weekend and we all had lots of fun.  Tomorrow he officially turns 5 but as far as he is concerned the event has happened!

 C's cake!

 Along with cupcakes...

 I made spiderweb pretzels.
These were super easy to make and super yummy!

 C and E right before the party.

 All the kids got to wear Spider-Man masks (if they wanted) and then they could shoot their webs (silly string) at all the pictures set up.  This turned out to be a really fun activity.

 Another view

 My nephew :)

I love this picture.  It shows C super happy.

Thanks so much to everyone who was able to come to the party and all the gifts and well wishes.  C is so loved and he is so blessed indeed! 


  1. Looks like so much fun. Love the cakes. I think we're doing a Spiderman theme this fall for my son's 4th bday.

  2. So cool!! The food looks awesome! Good job mama!

  3. This is just so nice. COuld I have a cupcake too? They look yumm!

  4. Wow, I love the cake and cupcakes. You are so talented with cakes. I wish I could make cool cakes like that.

  5. oh myyyyy, my son would LOVE this party! Great job! Newest follower!
