Monday, June 4, 2012

Lion Cupcakes

 My favorite one!

I showed you my Marty's Zebra Cake the other day - now I would like to show you my lion cupcakes, aka Alex the Lion cupcakes!  These were so fun to make and I am very pleased with how they turned out.

 I used red, purple and yellow cupcake liners to match the Circus Madagascar theme of our party!

 B helped me make a basic white cake.  

 Out of the oven and cooling...

 You can see the faces forming here!

I made basic white frosting and then colored it orange for the face.  I used mini M&Ms for the eyes, runt hearts and skittles for the noses, cheerios for the ears, chocolate jimmies for the mouth and whiskers, and colored some frosting slightly darker orange for the mane.


Not only were they cute, they were tasty too!
What do you think?


  1. How cute are these. They came out soo good. I bet they were delicious.

  2. I like these, such a neat idea!!
