Friday, June 1, 2012

Pen Pals Kids Club Review & Giveaway

*** Giveaway Now Closed ***
Congratulations to CaseyCG!

Have you heard of Pen Pal Kids Club?  They are a global social network for children where kids can freely share, explore, and play with other kids around the world.  The site is advertiser-free, has built-in parental controls, and was recently rewarded with the TRUSTe seal of safety.

A checking out the online library

I set up an account for our family and for A.  Parents have to set up an account - this way the controls can be monitored.  A has been enjoying this site.  My kids do not spend a ton of time on the computer or any media really.  She recently sent off several pen pals requests and she is excited about making friends from different countries (and even her own!).  The site has suggestions for pen pals based on similar interests and activities.  The aspect that we have taken advantage of the most is the online library.  A loves going there and reading about anything and everything.

About Pen Pal Kids Club:

- Encourages a love for learning about other cultures
- Helps children embrace similarities and differences
- Kids can write and receive digital postcards from around the world
- Postcards are translated into 7 languages:  English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, German, and Chinese
- Advertiser-free site with built-in parental controls offers the ultimate in online safety 

About Pen Pal Kids Club from Shelley Aliotti the Creator and Founder:

The concept of Pen Pal Kids Club started when I was a kid…like many kids back then, around the world, I had a Pen Pal – Michi from Japan. Through her letters and mine we shared, learned and forged a unique friendship. That relationship, and fun, stayed with me as I grew, married, became a mom and now a grandmother.

In 1995, I decided to share this experience by creating My Pen Pal Scrapbook. I traveled to schools, groups, organizations and more. My Pen Pal Scrapbook made it easy and safe to share, learn and create friendships for life…worldwide.

I am proud to say that the original My Pen Pal Scrapbook has been read throughout the world. We are very excited that Pen Pal Kids Club has become more interactive, exciting and…much easier to use. Now as a global website, kids can Explore,Play and Share – within a completely safe site…from any computer! Kids are able to send digital postcards to one another and, with the speed of the internet, they can quickly see, that despite their physical and geographical differences, they are all much the same inside.

At Pen Pal Kids Club there will be no outside advertisers, members or hidden traps - this is a completely safe site. We sum it up by saying that, by joining Pen Pal Kids Club now, your family will begin safe, new adventures in Exploring, Playing & Sharing - in your home...and around the world! At Pen Pal Kids Club, on this virtual global playground, children everywhere will find that "The world is just a friend away."

Want to try out Pen Pal Kids Club for your family?  Keep reading...  

Now, onto the giveaway!  You can win a free 90 days to Pen Pals Kids Club!

Mandatory Entry:  Follow me on google friend and let me know, that's it!  Please be sure and leave your email so I can contact you if you win! 

Extra Entries
, leave a separate comment for each extra entry.  As you can see, there are lots of extra entry opportunities so don't be shy!

1.  Follow my google+ page (2 extra entries)
2.  Follow my facebook page (2 extra entries)
3.  Follow me on Pinterest (2 extras)
4.  Follow me on twitter here (2 extras)
5.  Like Pen Pals Kids Club on facebook (2 extra)
6.  Like Pen Pals Kids Club on twitter (2 extra)

Giveaway will end on June 17th at Midnight.  Winner will be selected using a random number generator and will have 48 hours to respond.  If there is no response, I will randomly select another winner.  The prize will be emailed to the winner.

Disclosure:  I was blessed to receive my own free 90 days to Pen Pals Kids Club for review.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.  Thanks so much to the sponsor for providing me with this opportunity and for sponsoring this giveaway!


  1. Great idea! I think kids would really enjoy this!

  2. What a great idea. I follow via GFC (caseycg).

    Caseycg (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. Follow you on twitter. (@MaritimeMom).

    Caseycg (at) yahoo (dot) com

  4. Follow you on twitter (#2). (@Maritimemom)

    Caseycg (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. i follow on GFC.

  6. I follow you on G+.
