Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Forgiven Duke Releases Today

The Forgiven Duke by Jamie Carie is now available in bookstores and online stores nationwide today!  The Forgiven Duke is the 2nd installment of The Forgotten Castles Series by Jamie Carie.

You can buy it now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Book Depository.

Be sure to connect with Jamie on her facebook page here (you will find me on there!).  And stayed tuned for more about Jamie and The Forgotten Castles Series, including an upcoming giveaway!


  1. Hi there! Following you back from the Mingle!

    Anne xx

  2. Thank you so much for visiting "this little light" this morning, Kathryn...following you back! :)

  3. Thanks for following me on my blog :) I am your newest follower.

