Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Happy Place & Giveaway

Do You like gummi bears?  The Happy World of Haribo, makers of the original fruity, chewy, tasty gummi bears, wants the world to find its happy place-no matter where that place is.  So, I started thinking, where is my happy place? And you know what, I have lots!  I really like going to a ball game with my family, or curling up and reading a good book (almost anywhere!).  I like meeting with my small group on Sunday afternoons and living life together - the good, the bad, and the "real".  The beach makes me really happy!  So, what are some of your happy places?

Would you like to connect with Haribo yourself, find them on facebook here!

Now, onto the giveaway!  I have 10 vouchers for free bags of delicious Haribo Gold-Bears - now doesn't that make you happy!  2 winners will receive 5 vouchers each - enter the giveaway below - good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  Thanks so much to Haribo for sponsoring this giveaway and providing me with my own bag of Gold-Bears!


  1. A warm bath always helps me organize my thoughts--that's my happy place!

  2. Anywhere with my kids is my happy place.

    I LOVE haribo gummy bears!! They are my all time favourite sweet

  3. Being surrounded by the children I teach on Sundays. That's the place I love to be!

    Thanks for the giveaway! My sister LOVES gummy bears. :)

  4. I like sitting down, just watching an old movie.

  5. My happy place is when I'm home and my kids are all there with me!

  6. Cuddling with my kiddos on movie night at home
