Friday, July 13, 2012

We Love Chick-fil-A

 The kids and I in costume.
Yes, that is a Christmas tree, Christmas in July theme.

Today was Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A!  Our family had a blast celebrating.  We went to Chick-fil-A for breakfast (just the kiddos and I) and our whole family made it for dinner.  BTW, I called and made sure that this was ok.  I didn't want to go twice if it was frowned upon.

Here are some pictures from today!

 D is mooing...

 Handsome C waiting for his food.

 Cow Baby E

 Daddy feeding E

Daddy and C both wore signs that said Eat Mor Chikin.  I made them with felt.  I am actually pretty proud of them.  They were super easy to make and they looked great.

 E and I

 A dressed as a heart cow

 B was her twin

 Still happy...


 Even "Cow"boys love ice cream

And it is always fun to meet friends at Chick-fil-A, especially friends who will dress up with you :)