Saturday, August 18, 2012

LeapFrog Touch Magic Rock'n Learn Party

 Touch Magic Rockin' Guitars and Learning Bus

Have you heard of LeapFrog Touch Magic Toys?  Touch Magic is a new product line from LeapFrog that brings intuitive touch technology to preschool toys.  These toys recognize taps, touches and swipes to bring each product to life!  This new line is launching with three toys: Touch Magic Learning Bus, Touch Magic Rockin' Guitar, and the Touch Magic Counting Train.  We were blessed to receive 2 Touch Magic Guitars and 1 Touch Magic Bus for our party!

 Check out my fun cupcakes!

 Yummy snacks.

Playing with the Guitar

With the Touch Magic Guitar kids can choose to play solo without a backup, play along with a band or select electric/acoustic guitar to play 10 built-in songs (Rockin' Robin, Itsy Bitsy Spider, If You're Happy and You Know It, Pop Goes the Weasel and more!).  Kids can add guitar riffs, silly sounds and drums creating over 100 musical combinations to make every song unique. 

B and D playing along.

D and her friend jammin' together.

The boys got to try out the Rockin' Guitar as well!

The Learning bus has six piano keys and two drum pads to play along with songs.  Songs include Wheels on the Bus, ABS Song and an original Rockin' School Bus!  There are over 200 learning and musical responses and over 40 touch points on the interactive flat surface.  There are also 3 modes: learning, letter exploration and music.

E rockin' out with our Touch Magic Guitar

We raffled off one of the Rockin' Guitars and here is our winner!

I have been really impressed with how much my kids have been enjoying these toys.  C and D have had a ton of fun with our new Rockin' Guitar role playing!  My older kids have been exploring our bus with E so I will be interested to see how she plays with it as she gets a bit older.  D really likes to sing the ABC's!

Disclosure:  I received free LeapFrog products in order to host the LeapFrog sponsored Rock'n Learn Party.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.


  1. It looks like everyone had a great time at the party! I love that these toys incorporate music into learning!!
