Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our Awesome Lego Read & Build Party

I tried to show everyone who came with this collage.
We had 6 families attend: 13 kiddos and 6 adults

We had our Lego party the other day and we had so much fun!  I thought I would share it with you all.

We had some confetti popcorn (each color is a different flavor), jello molds (hearts, ducks, and starburst patterns), chips, oranges, juice and water)

 The goodie bags and special hand outs!

Having fun with our sets.

Each bag had either a Busy Farm Read & Build Set or a Grow Caterpillar Read & Build Set.  We had a lot of fun reading the stories and making the animals!  These sets combine the fun of reading to your little ones and Legos.  They are specifically geared for children ages 1 1/2 - 4 years.  I really like that my older kids can participate and read the stories to my younger ones.

 My homemade Lego banner

 Just some of the fun we had :)

And we were blessed to have our own Master Builder!

 And that's a wrap!

Disclosure:  Thanks so much to House Party and Lego for allowing us this opportunity and providing us with some of the Read & Build sets.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.


  1. looks like you all had fun! Hey, I just did my first guest post. Hope you'll come over and check it out!

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment at my guest post!! I just loved the sentiment you expressed!!

  3. The pictures say it all. Love the jelly there :)

  4. I love your blog I had to follow, it looks like the party was really fun. I'm just starting out on my blog but I would appreciate if you stopped by to take a look and follow if you like.

  5. Looks like fun! Thanks for the comment... following you back!

  6. Oh wow! That looks like so much fun! I love the caterpillar set!

  7. My kids love legos too! Looks like fun! Thanks for checking out my blog, I'm following back from MMM!

  8. What a cute idea for a party!! I love it!! Looks like you guys had a blast! :)
