Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wisk Deep Clean Mission

I was on another mission from smiley360, this time the Wisk Deep Clean Mission.

Experience a deeper clean in your laundry with Wisk Deep Clean.  Wisk Deep Clean is designed to clean beyond visible stains, attacking trapped body oils and sweat. Body oils and sweat are the #1 soil in your laundry and can stay trapped in your clothes, even after washing.  Wisk Deep Clean penetrates deep inside the fabric, cleaning beyond visible stains, to seek out and attack trapped body oils and sweat.

Using my sample

What did I think?  I thought it worked well.  My clothes came out clean and they smelled nice.  And bottom line, if this doesn't happen - I am not going to use or recommend that product.  What about you?  Have you tried the new Wisk Deep Clean?  If so, I would love to hear what you thought.

To find out more about this mission or to obtain a $1.00 coupon, go here!  Or to find out more about smiley360 and join go here.

Disclosure: For the following mission I received Wisk Deep Clean Sample packs to use and to pass out to my friends.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own. 

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