Monday, November 26, 2012

Fifty Three Dresses

That is how many dresses my friends and I tried on at my latest crowdtap Old Navy Sample Share Party!  And 53 is a lot my friends :).  I was so blessed to take 3 of my friends shopping for a free dress at Old Navy and we had a blast.

 Heading out the door, coupons in hand

 In store with three amazing friends

 Selecting some dresses

Some of the sweater dresses

 At first glance, it looked like there was not a huge selection.  But after pulling out numerous dresses to try on I realized that they really did have a nice selection of dresses from sweater dresses, to sleeveless dress, patterned and solids - there really were lots of options.

 My dressing room :)

 I like this picture because it shows some of the variety available.

 While I liked this dress, I did feel like a bit of a zebra (I suppose that does go with my degree!).  And I do not think horizontal stripes are flattering on me, at least not right now!  So this is our zebra photo...

 I liked the colors and feel of this dress but I didn't choose it for myself.

 The winning selection - loved all these dresses on us!

 Here we are in them!!

 Headed to the check out

 With me now...

 Thank you Kristen.  You were awesome!

Our fun snowman photo!

So I often get asked, "How in the world do you get these amazing sample opportunities and free products?".  And the answer is - crowdtap!   Crowdtap is an online community that allows you to sample products and earn cool rewards for interacting with top brands.  Interested in signing up, just go here.


A big thanks to both Crowdtap and Old Navy for this sampling opportunity!  I was blessed to receive an Old Navy dress of my choice and take 3 friends along for dresses of their choice.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.


  1. Looks like a fun day of shopping! And so lucky that you all found such beautiful dresses!

  2. Hey, I like the Zebra dress and I now own the Zebra dress. I am glad you and your friends have fun at Old Navy trying on 53 dresses. Crowdtap is great!

  3. Wendy - ha, ha! Well, I felt like a zebra in it. Hope you enjoy your new dress, maybe it will give you a new "wild" side.

  4. Nice dresses and everyone seemed like they had a great time!!
