Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Turkey Day Run

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  We were able to go down to my parents and celebrate with family.  And I was able to run another 5K, I know it took forever but I did it :).  A, B, and C participated in the Kids K run and then afterward I ran the Turkey Day 5K.  It felt so good to complete another 5K all before 8am on Thanksgiving morning.

The kids right before their race!

 B finished 1st of our family

Followed by A

 And C.  I love their medals and goody bags :).

 Here I am right before the race.

 And on the way home, still a bit pink!


  1. How smart you are!! There was a 5K on Thanksgiving posted on facebook that I should have tried to do...but I didn't. It looks like your run was a lot of fun.

  2. Nice race, I still am amazed you did it!!
