Friday, January 25, 2013

Nuby Glo-Pals/Bedlite Buddies Review

I wanted to tell you about E's new friend, Froggy!  Froggy is a Nuby Glo-Pal, also referred to as a Bedlite Buddie and E is in love. 

Meet Froggy.  He did not stay in the box long!

Right away, E liked Froggy.

And it didn't take her long to figure out that Froggy lights up and plays music.  Here is E showing me how he works.

 At first I thought we might keep Froggy in E's bed but E had other ideas.  She also likes to play with him during the day.  He is a faithful friend.

 Froggy fell down in this picture and E bent down to take care of him.  She promptly gave him a kiss.

According to Nuby
6+ months.  The Bedlite Buddies are GREAT cuddle buddies. Their faces light up and sing when you hug them! They like to go to bed on time and get tucked-in. Bedlite Buddies are made of soft and colorful materials that stimulate your child's senses. The built in night light brightens up the face, bringing a smile to your child.

There are several different animal options available - bee, frog and turtle.  And Glo-Pals can be purchased at several retailers including and K-Mart.

Thanks Nuby for some awesome products!  Remember you can connect with Nuby on facebook, twitter, and pinterest as well. 

Disclosure:  I did not receive any compensation for this post, although as part of this program I may receive items to sample or review.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.


  1. Adorable! I'll have to check that one out :)

  2. I love that she bent down, took care of him and kissed him. How cute! Does it play a lullaby tune or real singing with words?

  3. Sweet girl and her cute frog buddy!! :)

  4. We have that one as well. It's definitely an adorable and lovable toy!
