Friday, January 4, 2013

Nuby Snack Keeper Review

I wanted to tell you about E's new Nuby Snack Keeper.  The photo below shows her affectionately holding it, they may have become a little attached.

 Loving on her snack keeper.

Here is a side view of our snack keeper with Cheerios.

 For those not familiar with this, here is a top view.  The top is easy enough for E to get her hand in to eat her snack, yet strong enough to keep the snack inside when not being eaten.

 E demonstrating how easy it is.

 No problem! 

Of course, while the snack keeper does its job of not spilling the snacks, it can't keep the child from accidentally dropping a few cheerios - so I don't encourage free-roaming snack keeper all over the house.  But, I do find it particularly useful to just keep it loaded, and I'll grab it to go on outings or satisify a little tummy between meals.


According to Nuby
12+ months.  No more messy snacks! Our unique Snack Keeper cup keeps kid-sized snacks inside the container instead of on the floor or car seat. The soft flaps make it easy to grab snacks without spilling. The container holds 9 oz. of dry snacks and the protective bottom keeps tabletops scratch-free.

There are several different color options available as well.  And the Snack Keeper can be purchased at several retailers including,,, and just to name a few!

I love the way this snack keeper holds the snacks.  Every time I see E with her keeper I start singing, I love, I love, I love, I love the way you hold me - from the Jamie Grace song! And if you don't know this song, check it out - love it!

Thanks Nuby for some awesome products!  Remember you can connect with Nuby on facebook, twitter, and pinterest as well. 

Disclosure:  I did not receive any compensation for this post, although as part of this program I may receive items to sample or review.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.


  1. Love it! I think I am gonna have to buy one for my niece! Thx for the review!

  2. These are a must at our house! If I gave my son a regular bowl I would constantly be picking up goldfish all day!

  3. Thanks for the great info. I will get one for my daughter! By the way, I'm hosting a fun friday blog hop and would for you to stop by and link up your blog. Thanks! :) I have been a follower :)


  4. This would be great for outings!
