Saturday, February 23, 2013

Teething, Pain and Advil

E's new teeth

E is in the throws of teething!  When she turned a year she only had a few teeth.  She is now 16 months and she has 6.  When the last two broke through her gums she had a mild fever and she really seemed painful.  While there are many blessings to a communicative baby, it is also painful to watch her point to her mouth and say "Owie" - poor baby!  So, what did I use?  Well, I used Infants' Advil.  I will admit that I keep both Infants' Advil and Children's Advil on hand in my medicine cabinet pretty much all the time.  I find that it works great as both a fever reducer and pain reliever.  In E's case, only one dose was needed and we moved on.  Until the next tooth...I am not looking forward to her molars but I am thankful that Infants' Advil will be here as needed.  I also want to say that I am huge believer in the power of prayer and have seen God move in our family in both small and big ways so I do not want to underestimate this aspect in any way!

C face-planted earlier this week and it was pretty bad.  To make a long story short, he was running off the deck and the older girls were kicking a ball.  Somehow the ball hit him, his feet slipped from under him and he launched face first into the beam of our rock pit - um, ouch!  He was a bit of a mess.  Well, he got a dose of Advil - this time Children's Advil.  I really like that it is long lasting (up to 8 hours) and I could dose him without worrying too much (I am still his mother :)) during the night.

This was taken several days after the injury, he is healing well!

So, what do you think?  Do you use Infants' Advil, Children's Advil or any other products for fevers and/or pain?  What is your routine?  Just curious.

I have a few coupons!  

Let me know if you want one and I will send it your way (until they are gone that is).  To learn even more about my smiley360 mission click here!

Disclosure: I received a bottle of Infants' Advil to facilitate my review from Smiley360.  The other two bottles of Infants' Advil and Children's Advil in my home were purchased by myself.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.


  1. I strongly agree with your opinion, informative and useful. More power. Advil

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