Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Do you know who is who?

I am often told that my kids do not really look like me or my husband.  Some people disagree.  However, one thing people do agree on is that my kids favor each other.  So, I thought I would have a little fun with this idea.  I took baby photos of all five kids and cropped out their faces.  Do you think you can guess who is who?  There are photos of A, B, C, D, and E on the sidebar if you need a little help.  Just comment below by letting me know which number corresponds with each child (1. E, 2. A, etc.).

Good luck!  It may be trickier than it looks.


  1. OMG! THESE ARE THE CUTEST FACES. I can't tell they all really look like the same baby...lol

  2. WOW! do you clone your kids? lol the babies all look a like! hee hee

  3. I cannot tell, they look so much like one another to me!!! They're all cute though. :)

  4. Am I allowed to play? I'm going with:
    1 through 5 = E D A C B.

  5. Yes, anyone is allowed to play! You have one correct :).

  6. And we have a winner! David you 2nd guess is indeed correct :).

  7. I was close, but missed a few. Cute idea!
