Monday, June 10, 2013

Moms Who Boogie - Boogie Wipes Extravaganza Giveaway

I am privileged to be a part of a wonderful group of women, also known as Moms Who Boogie.  We are all Saline Ambassadors for Boogie Wipes.  We are excited about Boogie Wipes and love to share them with others.  In case you don't know, Boogie Wipes are made with natural saline to dissolve mucus (aka boogies) caused by colds, allergies or anything else really!  They are extra soft, alcohol/phthalate/paraben free and come in a variety of scents including great grape, fresh scent, magic menthol and simply unscented.  My family loves them!

 D is a huge Boogie Wipes Fan!

 Here she is demonstrating...

Ready for an awesome Boogie Wipes giveaway?  Here is what is up for grabs - the Moms Who Boogie Prize Pack!  This pack includes one $10 gift card to Target, a full canister of fresh scent Boogie Wipes 90 count, grape scented Boogie Wipes package 30 count, 5 individual fresh scent Boogie Wipes packs with attached coupons, 2 Kandoo bath poufs  and 2 Kandoo foaming hand sanitizers - pretty awesome right?

Enter the giveaway below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love boogie wipes. I love the smell of them.

  2. Love them and carry in my purse and have had to use many mornings before my grandson went to school. I drive him, he has allergies and many days of sneezing while waiting to be let in school

  3. we love boogie wipes and kandoo products!

  4. I love boogie wipes they are the only thing my almost 2 yr old will let me wipe his nose with

  5. Like a PP, I love the way they smell. We use them at school for my MIL's special needs kids, much less harsh than Kleenex.

  6. I had never heard of them before but they sound useful and soft and easy to use.

  7. I commented on: "Cascade Platinum Shines in Performance".

  8. i think they're a great idea for on the go

  9. I think they are great! When my son was 4 we started using them, now he wont use tissue!

  10. boogie wipes rock! i keep some in my diaper bag and always give them to new moms!

  11. Love boogie wipes. They work great on boogies!!

  12. We love boogie wipes! So soft...and they smell great!

  13. I think they're excellent! Good to have handy! lexbaylor17 (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. We love boogie wipes use them all the time
