Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Zact - Helping Parents and Their Children Have Mobile Success

Disclosure:  I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Zact.  I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Even though my children are young they consistently want to use my phone, specifically my Iphone.  And I am amazed at how quickly they have learned how to pull up games, photos, movies - you name it.  When I first got my Iphone, I joked that they probably knew how to use it better than me.  I am waiting for the day when they ask for their own smartphone, I know it will be coming.  I think most parents, including me, have concerns about their children's mobile device usage.  The team at Zact conducted a survey to find out what is behind those concerns.  They found out that 73% of U.S. parents are concerned about the lack of parental control of their children's activities on mobile devices.  Yes, this is a concern of mine.  Honestly, I don't want my children on the Internet or to accidentally find themselves at inappropriate sites.  Do your kids currently have a smartphone?  While my kids do not have their own, they do have some access to mine.  For me, I want my kids to be safe - in the real world and the cyber world.  I am not surprised that others agree with me on this, 75% of parents are concerned about their children exploring the web too freely.  As my kids grow, they will certainly be allowed more privileges including Internet usage.  Internet safety will definitely be something that we talk about.  I am not sure if they will have smartphones at the age of 12 but there will definitely be discussions and boundaries set when they do!  For those that don't know, Zact designed parental control software and loaded it into their phones.  When your children are younger, you can set higher restrictions on the phone and as they grow, you can change the restrictions accordingly.  When that day comes and my children do receive a phone, I think this is the way to go!  See the Zact, U.S. Mobile Families Survey 2013 info-graphic below for other great statistics on kids and mobile usage!

For 3 days only starting today (8/13, 8/14, and 8/15) the Zact team is giving away three Smartphones, all with three months of mobile service!  Please enter here for your chance to win and learn more about Zact's services!


  1. Sounds like a great service! Setting restrictions on phones and other electronics is definitely the way to go for younger children.

  2. Definitely something I'll be looking into. My two year old is better at navigating my phone than I am lol.

  3. Wow that is a great giveaway. My kids do not have smart phones. Although my older daughter had one but at the moment we cannot really afford to keep the service so we disconnected it. My husband has one for work though.

  4. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing the great giveaway. I had no idea about ZACT and it sounds great for involved parents.

  5. What a great thing! I had no idea it existed! My kids are young 2 & 4 but already are obsessed w/ my phone!

  6. My daughter is 5. Obessed with my iphone! Says she wants one for her birthday! This sounds like a great service.

  7. 3 months of service too? That's amazingly awesome. :)

  8. I read your blog post its very amazing and informative. im impressed here i want to share the best parental control app for kids.Android Parental Control Apps–What Are The Effects Parental control applications are one of the effective ways to make sure your kids' online activities are either appropriate or not.The devices that don't have parental control applications are complex to be accessed remotely. So, consider parental control applications a convenient way to ensure your kid's online safety.for more....
