Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blog, Blog as Fast as You Can...

B and D's birthday cakes a few years back

Life has been busy.  There is so much that has happened in the last few weeks and I finally feel settled enough to write about some of it.  I feel like I have been chasing the gingerbread man :).

 Some of my grandmother's flowers - she had such beautiful flowers!

We sad goodbye to my grandmother Kathryn.  I am glad to know that she is at peace.  I cannot thank my friends and family enough for all the cards, meals and just general support.  It was amazing and my family was truly blessed. 

David and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary!  We have officially been married a dozen years :).

On our wedding, 8-25-01

David accidentally broke his big toe on our anniversary so it was definitely a day to remember.  To make a long story short, he was climbing up some stairs and somehow his toes curled under his foot and he ended up putting all his weight down onto them - ouch!  He has been wearing a boot and is healing well.  This is actually his first week without having to wear his boot which is super great because C starts baseball this week.  

 C at the last Round Rock Express game we went to.

His first game is tonight and David is somehow the assistant coach.  We look forward to watching him play.  A is having a great time swimming and has recently learned to do the butterfly - something I have yet to learn.  B started dance yesterday and couldn't be more thrilled.  She would like to go everyday instead of once a week though.  Our homeschool is now in full gear.  A is in 4th grade, B is in 2nd grade, C is in 1st grade, D started a Pre-K curriculum and E is my teacher's aid. 

Tinkerbell D

The new baby - sucking on a few fingers!

We had our 20 week ultrasound a few weeks back and everything looks great with our littlest one.  I am measuring about a week ahead.  We took all the kids and they were pleased to get to see the baby.  D asked the technician to tell her if she saw a bow because then she would know if the baby was a girl or not - it was pretty cute.  Of course, we did not find out the gender - we love surprises!

Alright, I suppose that is enough news for now.


  1. Yeah for getting your school year started! I hope you have your best year yet. :)

  2. Thanks Maura! Some days are easier than others but we are all enjoying it!
