Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Green Giant - Raise a Giant & $25 Giveaway

Green Giant knows it takes a lot more to raise a healthy child then just getting them to eat their vegetables.  Kids these days live in a world that is bigger and scarier than the world we grew up in, and they need help and encouragement to navigate that world with confidence and pride.  Unfortunately one of the hardest tings kids have to deal with is bullying.  When a child is bullied by a peer it can turn his or her life into a daily gauntlet of fear and anxiety.  That's why Green Giant is partnering with PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center and We Day Minnesota to help parents Raise a Giant and put a stop to bullying in their community.

What Does it Mean To Be A Giant?
Being a giant isn't about being the biggest or the best.  Being a giant means standing up for others.  It mean lending a hand to those who are in trouble and speaking up for those who sometimes find it hard to speak up for themselves.  Studies show that an effective way to stop bullying is for kids to simply speak up and say, "That's not okay" when they see bullying happening.  But asking kids to have the courage to stand up to bullying is a tall order and that's why they need out help.

How Do You Raise A Giant?
Green Giant is asking parents to write a letter to their kids telling them how special they are and encouraging them to be a part of the bullying prevention solution by being a giant.  To get started, parents can visit their community at and read the letters others have written.

So Here is My Letter (I have several to write but I will start with A)

Dear A,

   I am so proud of you!  I love watching you grow daily in knowledge and the ways of the Lord.  I appreciate your helpfulness and your cheerful spirit.  You are quick to think of others and jump in and help when needed.  I am amazed at your swimming talent (I think Daddy is too).
   We haven't really had to talk a lot about bullying as right now I homeschool you but it is a topic to be aware of and know about.  Sometimes people say mean things and sometimes people do mean things.  Rude actions and rude words are very hurtful - both physically and mentally.  I am your Mother and I never want you to experience this but to some degree we all experience this in some form or fashion.  It is important to remember that you are never alone.  God is always with you and your Father and I are here for you as well.  If you ever experience someone saying or doing hurtful things I want you to let me know.  If you ever see this happening to someone else I hope that you again will let me know.  Sometimes it may seem that saying nothing is the best solution but I assure you the bravest course of action is to ask for help.
   When I was younger I was sometimes teased.  It definitely didn't make me feel good inside to hear people say bad things about me.  Luckily, I had good friends who helped me know that those things were not true.  I did not say mean things back - that is not the way to go.  Hurting other people because they hurt you does not make you feel good, it actually hurts you more.  Trust in the Lord and who He has made you to be.

I love you to the moon and back,

Now, how about you?
I challenge you to write your own letter to your child/children and partner with Green Giant in being a part of the bullying prevention solution.  Visit and get started.

Ready for a Giveaway?
Green Giant has offered a $25 gift card to one of you.  Just enter the giveaway below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Green Giant through MyBlogSpark.


  1. the gift card would be for me :)

  2. The gift card would be for my husband.

  3. The card would be for buying groceries which makes it mine.

  4. It would be for my youngest daughter who has been bullied and she could use it to buy things to make herself feel pretty.

  5. I would give this to my husband.

    Jennifer Marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  6. This gift card would be for my sweetheart.


  8. The gift card would be for ME
    JenniferAnne74 @

  9. I would give it to my mom for Christmas, or someone else for Christmas if I was to get her something else! Thanks so much

  10. This giftcard would be for me to put towards Christmas gifts for my baby girl

  11. I wrote a letter

  12. This would be for my son and I.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  13. i would use this t pay it forward at christmas time

  14. i wrote a letter

  15. I would use it to buy christmas presents.
