Thursday, October 31, 2013

Harvest Pumpkins Are Like Christians Activity

This year for Halloween we will be handing out scripture candy - which is exactly what it sounds like, candy with scripture verses attached.  On the card, there was a fun message - Harvest Pumpkins Are Like Christians.  I thought I would share it with you and how we made it into an activity with the kids!

1) A pumpkin must be CHOSEN.  God graciously chooses all who trust Jesus Christ as their personal Savior (John 1:12; 3:16).

This kids and I chose this pumpkin from a barrel at Walmart.

2) A pumpkin must be CLEANED.  God forgives and washes away our sins because Jesus shed His blood on the cross (Ps. 51:2; Col. 1:14).

Opening the pumpkin to clean the inside.

The inside of our pumpkin.

 The kids took turns scooping out the mush and seeds.

 Voila, clean on the inside.

 Doesn't look too different on the outside - yet!

3) A pumpkin is CHANGED.  God changes those who accept Him into new people whose hearts desire to please Him instead of self (2 Cor. 5:17).

 Changing our pumpkin

Our new pumpkin!

4) A pumpkin should CAST light.  God fills Christians with His Spirit and allows His love and joy to shine brightly through them (Mat. 5:16).

Casting light

This was an easy and fun activity!


  1. This is beautiful, Kathryn! I am always looking for Christian activity ideas for the family, especially during this time of the year.

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks Kelly, you are very welcome!
