Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Students – Listening to Music While Studying...

Do you listen to music while studying? Interesting article.

Students – Listening to Music While Studying...

It is widely accepted that the best environment for concentration is a quiet one; however the majority of students in the US say they prefer to study while listening to music, and in fact the highest achieving students are even guiltier of this. Why do students do this? To block out more distracting noise, to motivate themselves, to stay awake or to calm nerves… Whatever the reason, it’s important to find music that will serve your needs, while causing the least amount of distraction. The type of music a student listens to while studying contributes to how much information she can retain and how well she can focus. The most common type of music students report listening to while studying is popular music. However, if a person chooses...Read More
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  1. Hmmm...interesting! Esp with finals next week! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I, somehow, cannot focus on anything with music on. In fact, am not a big music fan and only like it while driving. Even then if I have company, I would rather talk than listen to music :(

  3. I like talking for sure but I am definitely a music person. I am starting to realize it is a bigger part of my life than I thought!
