Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Become a Dining Daredevil in 2014 -

I have some fun information to share. released their Hot Food Trends for the New Year.  Break free from the same-old dining routine in 2014 and try something new with the help of  To help you start your own dining adventures, has compiled 3 hottest trends to conquer at local restaurants near you.  Resident trend-guru, President and Chief Marketing Officer Christopher Krohn provides his predictions that will grace our plate in 2014.  With these trends, you're sure to have a spicy year, but only if you dare.  Their summary is below!

1.  Egg-cellent Adventures

While it's hard to determine when this trend ignited, it's definitely picked up pace and could reach its peak of popularity in 2014.  The breakfast for dinner craze and increasing popularity of regional specialties, like Korean Bibimbap and Mexican Huevos Rancheros, will only grow the trend of egg-y fusions.  Plus, there's an emerging sense from the scientific crowd that eggs are healthier than perhaps you previously thought, which will feed consumer interest in this farm-fresh favorite.  All in all, 2014 will be the year of the egg, so you might as well get cracking!

We dare you:  Next time you order a burger or stir fry, ask them to top it off with a fried egg or two.  The added protein will help boost your metabolism and satisfy your hunger!

2.  Farm to Fork

Diners' growing eco-awareness and their desire for the wholesome simplicity of home-style cooking and minimally processed foods is on the rise.  Riding this wave, restaurants are returning to their predecessors' roots, sourcing fresh produce and natural ingredients and cooking them up in a style that more closely resembles the authentic recipes that graced Grandma's kitchen table rather than modern, industrial food products.

We dare you:  When people hear farm to fork, they immediately think of steamed vegetables, but this trend encompasses more than just radishes and such.  Tender meat alternatives and locally produced cheeses are two items to look for on the menu.  Don't be afraid to order something with a beet or two for an added super food bonus!

3.  Tea Time, All the Time

Once confined primarily to Asian restaurants, tea is an increasingly popular beverage.  In 2014, you'll find tea used for novel and surprising purposes.  For example, ground teas like matcha and chai can be used as dry rubs and marinades for beef, chicken or veggies.  Tea-smoked salmon and pork will both make headway in the new year, and English-style tea-time gatherings at local cafes will also be big.

We dare you:  To find these tea-fusion meals, take a trip to an Asian fusion restaurant near you and keep an eye out for tea-smoked pork, ribs, or stir fry.  For an added bonus, try one of our other favorite food trends of 2014, a hot sauce like sriracha.
What do you think?  Which trend are you the most excited about?  You can tackle the rest of's top food trend list on their blog here.

And to keep up with the latest from check them out on twitter, facebook and Google+.  Your tummy might just thank you!

Disclosure:  I will receive a complimentary product to facilitate this post.  All opinions are my own.


  1. Asian Food Is Delicious I Just Might Try!!!

  2. Breakfast seems to be a big thing right now. But I'm really happy about the eco-friendly trend. I hope it also means more humane treatment for the animals.

  3. Yes, eggs are healthy! I've been saying this for years, that it's a waste to just use the egg whites. The entire egg has proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Saturated fat is much more dangerous than dietary cholesterol.

    I've used matcha, but I like the idea of using chai as a dry rub. Yum!
