Sunday, February 2, 2014

My family gets crafty with Borax

I have already told you about the Getting Crafty with Borax Sweepstakes going on now (see my post here) and the fun pinterest board I have created (see my board here). 

The girls and I decided to make some of our own Borax crystal crafts.  Check out all of the fun we had in the photos below.  I hope they inspire you to pull out your own Borax and get crafting!

The basic process is simple.  We boiled water, filled up mason jars with the water and dissolved borax into them (I added extra Borax because I wanted lots of crystals).  Then we added our shapes and creations (we used pipe cleaners to create fun shapes, fake flowers and a starfish) to the jars.  Our creations were suspended by string and attached to pencils and chopsticks so that they weren't touching the bottom or sides of our jars.  We let them sit overnight and removed them in the morning.  The results were beautiful, Borax crystal creations!

We started with hearts.

We put one in plain water and one in water mixed with red dye.

Removing our hearts

The one on the left was the one dipped in dyed water.  There was only a slight variation in color - both turned out nicely.

We also tried a starfish!

 We had to use a bigger jar for this one.

Our crystal starfish

 A had a ton of fun making different shapes with pipe cleaners.

 Here she is adding her strawberry to the mixture.

 B got into the fun as well.

 Our finished flower - love the way this came out!

 Remember the strawberry?  Here it is!

What are you waiting for?  Go have some fun crafting!  And don't forget to enter the sweepstakes over here.


  1. OMG, this is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this I have come upw ith some great ideas thank you so much! GREAT POST!

  2. Wow everything came out so pretty. I love the crystal heart.

    Michelle F.

  3. How cool! My daughter would love to do this! I'm definitely going to have to remember this!

  4. Those are really beautiful crafts! What a great idea! I think I will have a lot of fun doing this with my son. Thank you!

  5. Oh wow - that is really cool. I'm a fan of most anything 'sparkly' . I like the flower and the starfish the best. Seems like a really nice craft to do with kids.

  6. Ahhh! That is so neat. I had no idea you could do that with Borax. It looks like you guys all had fun in the process too! :)

    Heather @

  7. Wow! So many awesome ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This is very cool! Sharing this on pinterest and stumbleupon. I had never thought of doing that with Borax!
