Monday, April 7, 2014

Mom's Night Out from Purex Giveaway

I wanted to let you know that the Mom's Night Out from Purex Giveaway has launched!  Being a Mom is one of the hardest jobs, along with being one of the most rewarding for sure.  But sometimes Moms need a break.  For that reason, Purex is celebrating Mother's Day and the release of Sony's new motion picture, Moms' Night Out, by giving away a night out for you and up to five friends.  Sound good?  Go here and enter now!

I love hanging out with my girl pals.  I enjoy watching movies, having parties, shopping, eating dinner and just having a night of fun conversation.  I am blessed to be surrounded by some pretty amazing women and I treasure the time we have together.

Check out this exclusive clip of the movie belowMoms' Night Out will be in theaters May 9, 2014 (Mother's Day Weekend).

You can check out the latest new and events from Purex on their facebook page here.

Disclosure:  Thanks so much to the Purex Insiders program for allowing me to be a part of this campaign and providing information about this Sweepstakes!  As part of this campaign I am eligible to win prizes!


  1. I've heard a lot about this movie lately. I'm sure it will be funny. Kind of like "Date Night" with Steve Carrell and Tina Fey.

  2. How much fun will this be! I didn't hear about the move but I'm excited now.

  3. I haven't heard of this movie before, but now I can't wait to see it!

  4. Hahah this movie sounds right up my alley! Although, the only requirement for my Moms Night Out is 1 glass of wine and 2 hours free with my girlfriends!
