Friday, June 6, 2014

Last day of school - Hello Summer!

Today is our last official day of homeschool for the school year!  We have been pushing hard the last few weeks to finish strong and I think we did just that.  We are now looking forward to a fun, exciting-filled summer!

 A will be going into 5th grade.

 B is not far behind her going into 3rd grade.

 C, he looks thrilled right?

 D, she is always ready for a photo shoot!

I had to let E in on the photos.


  1. lol i love the i'm cute sign. Isn't it crazy how much kids grow in a school year?

  2. I have the photo of my son's first day of K from September and plan to do a last day of K on Friday-his last day!

  3. Oh my! I want to squish D's little cheeks! Have a fun summer!

  4. Oh too sweet. I love this idea. And I love the I'm cute.

  5. I'm cute! Ah, I love it! I'll have to remember that for my youngest who will be a year behind her brother!

  6. the last day of school is always something to celebrate...I am usually ready for it around the second day of the year ;)

  7. They all are so cute. Happy summer!
