Thursday, January 15, 2015

2015 My Year of Transformation

Disclosure: I am proud to be a Family Christian Blogger and Affiliate.  By sharing this information with you I will be eligible to possibly attend this conference myself.  Yep, Family Christian will be selecting one lucky blogger to have a VIP opportunity at the Heart to Home Conference.  Wish me luck!

The Robertson Women

One word resolutions, they are popping up everywhere.  Instead of making lists and ways to change behaviors, habits and the like you choose ONE WORD that you would like to focus on for the next twelve months.  I have been thinking, writing, and praying for what my word should be.  My list was various and long but after much deliberation my word for 2015 is TRANSFORMATION.  I hope that 2015 transforms me into a better wife, mother, teacher, friend, blogger, and follower of Christ.

I cannot think of a better way to help me do just that than attending the Heart to Home Christian women's conference in Monroe, LA next month.  When I heard about this conference I literally screamed!  David and I have been watching Duck Dynasty for the last two years now.  I find it funny, entertaining and uplifting all in one.  Remember, we even took a little side trip last September because I wanted to visit Duck Commander.  (I looked for Robertson family members, but none were to be found!)

 The kids and I outside of Duck Commander Sept. 2014.

 E posing inside the gift shop.

The Duck Commander Women are coming together with Dr. Joneal S. Kirby, creator of Heart to Home Ministry, to encourage, inspire and uplift others.  I love that these women are real, full of integrity, and passionate about their families and the Lord.  Do I want to be there?  Absolutely, and so should you!
“My One Word” is an experiment designed to move you beyond this cycle. The challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make this year and instead pick ONE WORD.
This process provides clarity by taking all your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single focus. Just one word that centers on your character and creates a vision for your future. So, we invite you to join us and pick one word for the next twelve months.
- See more at:

 The Conference is happening Feb 6-7, 2015.

So, why the conference?  Dr. Kirby founded Heart to Home Ministry to help Christian women connect and develop meaningful relationships as well as encourage spiritual growth.  And that is what this conference is for.  Are you looking for some encouragement and inspiration?  I know I am.  An opportunity to sit back and hear from these amazing women and "be transformed by the renewing of [my] mind" by the grace of God.  I have a feeling that this conference is going to be fun, encouraging and full of depth - the best kind.

Are you thinking, "That sounds great but I cannot make it to Monroe, La."?  Well, you are in luck.  There will be a Simulcast.  Check out more about the conference and Simulcast here and don't miss the promo clip below. 

A big thanks to Family Christian for this opportunity and for your Heart to Home Conference sponsorship.  And Sadie, you were amazing on Dancing with the Stars.


  1. I hope the women of duck commander are inspiring for you☆

  2. I hope the women of duck commander are inspiring for you☆

  3. Great information. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I need a transformation this year for sure!

  5. I've never watched the show however they definitely seem like strong and inspirational women. Good luck on the contest and I hope you get to attend the conference!

  6. Glad to see that you enjoyed your conference. I love that is meant to connect women and help build meaningful relationships.
