Sunday, May 24, 2015

Catching Fireflies In May & Letting My Journey Continue

Have you seen the fireflies lately?  They are all over the place here.  The kids and I have been catching them like crazy both during the day and at night.

 Here is one on our jar at night!

Fireflies belong to the family Lampyridae in the insect order of Coleoptera.  I know this because Entomology was one of my absolute favorite classes in college!  Their bioluminescence is extremely cool - the kids love watching them "light up".

Speaking of lighting up, I have a new book to share with you - Max Lucado's Let The Journey Begin - Finding God's Best For Your Life.  As you begin or continue your journey of life and adventure Max gives Scripture guidance, words of wisdom, and encouragement for the road ahead.  While this would be a great gift for a graduate it really applies to anyone in a new beginnings situation - all of us at certain times.  I am actually thinking of giving a copy of this book to a friend of mine who is pregnant with their first child.  Her journey into parenthood is beginning and the adventures await.

The book is divided into five sections:
  God's Plan for the Journey of Life,
  Stop, Look and Listen - Good Habits for a Good Journey,
  A Fork in the Road - Deciding Which Way to Go,
  Dangers and Detours Ahead - Slow Down, Avoid Disaster, and
  Two Is Fine Company - A Friend for the Journey.

Each section contains short excerpts full of nuggets of wisdom.  They can each be read quickly.  This book is set up so that one can read for whatever amount of time they have whether that is 5 minutes, 10 minutes or half an hour - I love that!

 A firefly enjoying my book.

I enjoyed thinking about my prayers as precious jewels and that they inspire action in heaven - what a thought!  I often tell my children that I am their biggest cheerleader.  I want them to succeed in all that they do and I really want the best for them.  It is good to be reminded that we are never alone, God is right there beside us on this journey of life.  

You can read more about this book and/or purchase it from Family Christian here.

Disclosure: I am proud to be a Family Christian Blogger, Affiliate, and Max Lucado blogger.  I was provided with my own copy of Let The Journey Begin to facilitate my review.  All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. we have been catching fire flies in may here as well
    love max and his books want to check out this book as well

  2. I grew up in the midwest and remember catching fireflies, great fun. Here in Albuquerque, Nm we dont have fireflies so my kids dont know about this fun.

  3. This was a huge part of my childhood. It takes me back to my summer visits with my grandma. I haven't seen any yet but they are a sign of comfort.

  4. We have so many fond memories of catching fireflies and firefly nightlights with our boys, to say the least the zillions I caught as a child.

  5. I will look for this, I love many of his books. So pretty.

  6. fireflies. They do still exist. I have not seen any since I was a kid. Nice. And I need to check out the books.
