Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bring Holiday Cheer with ScentSicles

I love holidays!  And Christmas just happens to be my favorite one.  I cannot believe that it is right around the corner.  The stores are decorated with trees, lights and holiday splendor.  We haven't fully decorated our house yet but I am really looking forward to it.  I love looking at lights, wreaths, trees and crosses.

This year marks the 40th anniversary for Tree Classics, a maker of realistic looking artificial Christmas trees, wreaths, and other Christmas ornaments.  In honor of this year's celebration, I was recently sent cinnamon scentsicles from Tree Classics for review.  Scentsicles are amazing scented ornaments that can be used on trees, wreaths and garland.  They are available in a set of three, each set contains six scentsicles.

 Putting the hooks on the scentsicles is a breeze.

one set of scentsicles

They come with their own hooks for hanging.  Scentsicles are available in pine, fur, spruce, snowberry wreath and cinnamon.  I love the cinnamon scent from my scentsicles.  They smell fantastic and it really does help put you in the Christmas mood.  The scentsicles scent will remain for 30 days, which is really ideal for the Christmas season.  I really wish I had smellography so that you could smell the cinnamon through the photograph.  You will just have to trust me.
Here you can see a cinnamon scentsicle on our wreath.

Thanks to Tree Classics generosity one of you will be the recipient of a Tree Classics gift.  The winner will not pick their gift but will instead have a surprise sent to them directly from Tree Classics.  Fun, right?  Just leave a comment on this post about anything and I will randomly select a winner on November 30th.  Please remember to leave your contact email along with your comment.  Good luck!

Congrats to Laurie - the winner of this giveaway

Be sure to visit Tree Classics on facebook, twitter, and pinterest.  Check out Tree Classics website to view their range of holiday offerings as well.

Disclosure: Thanks so much to Tree Classics for providing me with my own set of cinnamon scentsicles for review.  As part of Tree Classics 40th anniversary Christmas campaign I am eligible to win prizes.  All opinions are my own.


  1. They sounds like they would smell yummy! Thanks for sharing I haven't heard of them before!

  2. This would be a great way to bring new life into an artificial tree.

  3. The scentsicles look fun! I love the smells of Christmas!
    mrsbrockavich48 (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. I have never heard of the Scentsicles before. I would love to try these out.

    email: birdiebee52 (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. These look awesome for faux trees

  6. I love Scentsicles. I've only tried the evergreen Scent.


  7. I love the smell of a real tree and wreath and adding cinnamon would be amazing.

  8. This would be great! Thanks

  9. i love the smell of real xmas trees but we never have $$ to get one :(

  10. What a great idea...and they look pretty, from your picture! I'd love to smell the snowberry wreath!

  11. Great holiday idea -- they look nice and smell great

  12. When the items from my grandparents house sold I bought what I thought was their big and full artificial tree. Turns out I didn't get the tree that I actually thought I bought. The tree I bought was apparently just an extra. Needless to say it's not so big and full...lol It could use some scent to help it out.

  13. I love surprises! And I don't have many Christmas decorations because we live in a small apartment. One of my favorite ones is a candy cane ornament my mom made before she passed away when I was 6.
    wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

  14. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! We just started decorating inside and out for Christmas so thank you for the introduction to this company. What a unique and fun idea. I can give these out as gifts too.

  15. This is such a cool idea. I would love to have some to decorate my house for Christmas.
    helldog3 at aol.com

  16. I love this! Wow! We got some tree scented decorations last year so the house would smell more like a Christmas tree. Cinnamon would be fabulous!

  17. Wow, Scentsicles are an awesome idea- I'm glad they have other scents though, because I'm allergic to cinnamon. But I know a few ladies who would love to receive these!

    daniellepriser at mail dot com

  18. What a fun giveaway! I'm so excited about this!

  19. These look so cool! What a fun way to add a little something to the holiday decorations.

  20. I love this idea. I will have to try this.

  21. These look so fun. I love the holiday scents!

  22. I love Christmas but always forget to make my house smell festive! What a great idea :)

  23. Wow....what a great idea these are. During Winter- my house starts smelling like wet dog....so, these would come in handy.

  24. Love these scents, reminds me of the holidays!

  25. Nice - love cinnamon at the holidays!

  26. I like all the different scents that they have I think the cinnamon would be amazing during the holidays!!

  27. These are such a great idea. We use a fake tree, so we don't get the scent you get with a real tree. This would be a great substitute. toastersareflying @gmail.com

  28. What a fun and festive idea for a tree!!! dispatcher_kristy@Hotmail.com

  29. I so love this idea for the tree! Thanks for the chance!


  30. These sound amazing! I love all the holiday scents!

  31. Oooh! These sounds great. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  32. this sounds like a great product, I would love to try them


  33. Congrats to Laurie - the winner of this giveaway! Thanks for entering everyone, I really enjoyed reading your comments.
