Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fun at SeaWorld's Seafari Tour

Did you know that SeaWorld San Antonio has tours?  They do!  And they have several different ones available.  Last week I was able to take B on a special birthday surprise.  We drove down to SeaWorld San Antonio and participated in their Seafari Tour, a 3 hour before the park opens tour.  We had such a blast - it was so much fun!  We were able to see SeaWorld's animal conservation center, visit the penguin encounter and the puffin area, see and feed the sea lions, visit the beluga whales and pacific white sided dolphins, visit and pet the sting rays, pet a shark, see their baby sea lions and bottlenose dolphins.  We saw so many animals it truly was hard to keep track.

 Blue-tongued Skink



 Penguin Fun


 Pacific White Sided Dolphins

The Beluga Whales were having playtime when we visited.
 Feeding the Sea Lions

Baby Sea Lions (about 6 months old)

 Sting ray touch tank

 B touching the sting rays

 The shark waiting to be pet.

B was the only kid on the tour brave enough to touch the shark.  She was surprised at how rough the shark was compared to the sting rays.

 Bottlenose Dolphins

Special things to note concerning the Seafari Tour at SeaWorld:  it is a walking tour so you will be doing a lot of walking,  it is recommended for guests 8 and older (kids must be accompanied by a paying adult), this tour is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., you will check-in at the main security gate (not the main entrance because the park is not open yet), tour by reservation only, and prices start at $20.

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