Wednesday, August 24, 2016

GREATER, Dreams & Walmart Back To School Giveaway

Have you heard of the new movie coming out in theaters this Friday, August 26th called GREATER?  I was privileged to be able to see an advanced screening of the upcoming movie.  GREATER is an inspirational movie based on the life of Brandon Burlsworth.  It follows his dream of playing football for the Arkansas Razorbacks.  Nothing about football came easy to Brandon, except his desire to play the game.  He was uncoordinated, ridiculed and written off by many coaches and teammates; yet, he continued to work harder than anyone.  Eventually his determination paid off and he was given the opportunity to walk-on and play football for the Razorbacks - becoming a great.

Check out the trailer below!

After watching the film, you cannot help but start dreaming yourself.  What are my goals and dreams for this year?  What about my kids?  As I have been preparing for our upcoming school year I have thought about this a lot.  Cummins Academy currently has a 7th grader, 5th grader, 4th grader, 2nd grader, Kindergartner, toddler and a newborn enrolled - that's a lot to keep up with! 

I think my biggest goal as we enter this upcoming school year is to achieve more than completing our curriculum and academics but to continue fostering a love of learning and to really enjoy this time I have to spend with and teach my children.  I have been preparing curriculum and I really look forward to tailoring the subjects to the needs of my children and adapting to how they respond.  One challenge with homeschooling is being able to say no to things that come up.  Like Brandon Burlsworth in the movie GREATER, we frequently have many choices of different things we can do.  All of these choices aren't necessarily bad things but they can deter you from your primary goal.  I need to make good decisions this year about activities that we are a part of - and keep focus throughout the year.  I want to say yes to the things that are really helpful!

One thing you will learn from Brandon is to never give up!

Ready for a fun giveaway?  How about a $25 Walmart gift card?  Just enter below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I received my own Walmart gift card and advanced screening of GREATER in exchange for this post.  All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. my goal is to have a good school/life balance

  2. My goal is to get my kids involved in more activities. They just joined a bowling league.

  3. My goal for the upcoming school year is to get my kids to really like learning and we are going to have fun with learning this year!

  4. My goal for the upcoming school year is to spend more time with my family! I would love to eat dinner together every day.

  5. I hope to volunteer more at the school!

  6. My goal is to be organized with school and home. It's a big problem for me.

  7. My goal is keep kids healthy and get them involved in helping household chores.

  8. I told my kids that they need to make their shoes last through at least half the school year.

  9. My goal is to make sure my kids enjoy their first year in school. I follow on twitter @Simply4Jessica but the widget didnt pick up the "a" on the end.

  10. My goal is to be a good supporting uncle and help my nephew out if he needs it.

  11. My goal is to be more organized around the house.

  12. My goal is to read lots of books to my little nephews as they just soak up learning new things.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. my goal this year is to look into grad school and see if I want to go back for another degree.


  14. pay off 2 credit cards by Christmas

  15. Oh I have to say one of my goals this school year is to work on his shyness! He is so shy. We are going to have more play dates and try to get him more involved with other kids.

  16. My goal for this year is to make sure my son is able to do all he needs to do to get the most out of his 3rd grade year!

  17. My goal is to do lots of open ended art activities with my niece this school year!

  18. A goal of mine is to get all of my doctor appointments scheduled this year as I have had so many medical issues that some of the appointments have had to be cancelled.
