Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween Fun 2017 - The Force Was With Us Again

The candy bowl we left on the front porch for visitors.

The Force was with us again this year as the kids decided to wear their Star Wars costumes from last year.  A was Rey, B was a Rebel Fighter, C was Luke, D was a Storm Trooper, E was Princess Leia, F went as Yoda (I made this one this year), and Baby G wore F's costume from last year BB8.  We went to a Fall Festival last night which was a bit crazy as it was cold and rainy and it was completely outside.  We still had a ton of fun - I love that my kids can roll with situations like that.  Oh, and all of our kids won at the cake walk so we have tons of bakes goods!  I thought the odds were good 1 of them would win but all 7.  Enjoy the photos.

 A is still one of the best Rey's I have seen.

The stick David made last year is amazing.

 My Rebel Fighter

Posing with BB8, they match!

 C's cloak still fits great.

C as Luke with his Jedi hood

 Storm Trooper D

E as Princess Leia

 Princess Leia with hood

Yoda F, I made this with felt

With Light Saber

 Our droid, BB8

I was able to take these 4 to a Trunk or Treat on Sunday so this photo is from that event.

 Even Stevie got in on the fun.  He wore his monster and his horse - they were both awesome!

Hope you had a great Halloween.  Don't eat too much candy :).


  1. Love that you did a family theme right down to the dog!!!! We are also a Star Wars lovin family but with only 4 kids so not as many characters covered:)

  2. Thanks my kids have had a lot of fun having a "theme" the last few years.
